Instruction, Demonstrations, and helpful Drum Videos. Inspiring and amazing Videos of Drums in Performance. Enjoy!
We originally had them all on one page, be we have so many now that Kurt decided to split them into Demos and Performance Videos so the page would not have a huge load time.
Demos & Instructional Videos
Featured Video
NEW! — Taiko Songs: Tamik’s Drill Tutorial
Beginner Player Tutorial for Tamiko's Drill. A short song designed as a teaching drill by Tamiko Ooka of NYC’s Soh Daiko, arranged for Shangö Mountain Taiko, by Kurt Griffith. Played to the “swing” Jiuchi, this is easy to learn and gain confidence with, with enough variation to keep it interesting. Kurt brought this one back from the East Coast Taiko Conference 2024. We’re playing it with a simple SMT arrangement with alternating solos.
Further Instructional Content - Notation, Arrangement & Practice Recordings are available here.
Drums in Performance
Featured Video
NEW! — Kodo Drummers Play Drums with Blue Man Group | Tribal Rhythms - Percussive Drums
In 2009, Japanese Kodo Drummers came to New York City to collaborate with Blue Man Group on tribal drumming. This shizzz is just CRAZY — the good kind of insane. The session really shows that Taiko gets along fabulously well with World Percussion.
Shangö Percussion YouTube Playlist
YouTube Channel where the Instructional Videos from our Videos Page are hosted. Includes all of Kurt’s Demos and a number of other helpful demos and and inspiring performances.
During the Covid-19 Emergency, Kurt had been streaming some Drum Stuff and posting tutorials to YouTube in place of our regular sessions, most of them are avaiable here to re-watch.